Protecting Your Sanity and Our Democracy

Protecting Your Sanity and Our Democracy

It’s 2024, and in case you haven’t heard, this year is a big one for politics! At She Should Run, we know that a noisy election year can bring its fair share of stress and anxiety–even anger. An overwhelming majority of Americans express negative sentiments about politics in the US, and our democracy will continue to face challenges this election. It’s easy to feel hopeless, but there are simple actions we can all take to make a positive impact on our communities, for today and the future. 

In April, we hosted the first of our 2024 Election Webinar Series, Protecting Your Sanity and Our Democracy, featuring speakers Jaynie Parris, founder and Executive Director of Arizona Native Vote, and Vedna Lacombe-Heywood, Board Member of the League of Women Voters. Our founder and CEO, Erin Loos Cutraro, chatted with them about how to find hope and resilience in the face of the challenges facing our communities and our country. Our biggest takeaway? 

“Do the dishes with us. We’re out in the communities and if you haven’t had that experience yet, come and do some good things with us. Sometimes it doesn’t always have to be a conversation around voting or elections. Sometimes it’s really doing helpful community organizing and then that lends itself to other conversations.”

-Jaynie Parrish

Check out the full conversation below!

Our 2024 Election Webinar Series is made possible with support from MAKERS, a Yahoo media and community-focused brand that exists to accelerate equity for women in the workplace and beyond by forging purposeful partnerships and sharing stories that ignite passion and drive change.

Feeling fired up? Register to join our next two webinars on June 26 and September 4, 2024, then take your first steps towards making change in your community with our free email course, Building a Better Community! Need some more tips to stay resilient in the face of challenges? Explore our top tips to build resilience

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