You probably already know that women experience higher rates of imposter syndrome than men, but did you know that entrepreneurs experience even higher rates of imposter syndrome? No joke, 84% of entrepreneurs experience imposter syndrome. So for those of us who are business owners and women, our rate of experiencing imposter syndrome is much higher than the average.
Now you may be thinking that imposter syndrome is uncomfortable, but is it really that bad?
Short answer—YES!
Longer answer—it affects every area of your life and business because it cuts your confidence and self-worth off at its knees
The truth about imposter syndrome
The research shows that imposter syndrome goes much deeper than feeling out-of-place or unworthy (which is bad enough), but it actually takes a massive toll on your mental and physical health. The ruminations that come with those feelings set off a chemical reaction inside your body, and when they go unchecked, they can lead to anxiety, low self-esteem, depression, and even burnout.
When your mind and your body are on edge, your business suffers. So how do you take control back over your mind and body to put yourself in a more positive place?
Fight biochemicals with biochemicals.
Biohacking specifically for high-achieving women
There are several ways to turn your biochemicals around (and no, I’m not talking about antidepressants or antianxiety meds—although there’s no shame in that if that’s what best supports you). The first is hacking your emotions.
Your emotions are the chemical catalysts in your body. Regardless of what’s going on outside of you, your inside world is dependent upon how you’re feeling to dictate which chemicals are released. For example, happiness releases dopamine (that feel-good hormone), and so does smiling.
This means we can reverse engineer the dopamine release. You can think of things that make you feel happy and allow that feeling to wash over you, putting you in a better mental and physical state. Or you can smile and the emotions will come if you keep practicing your physical expression of happiness. Whatever emotion or state you want to feel, you can practice the embodiment of, to release those specific chemicals in your body and alter that imposter syndrome feeling.
Another way to get into the state of being that you want to feel—confident, powerful, and worthy—is to consciously journal. When I sit down to do this, I like to set a certain ambiance. I grab my crystal manifestation journal and my crystal-topped pens. When I’m really feeling it, I light my favorite candle and put on some relaxing binaural beats. Think about the kind of atmosphere that makes you feel relaxed, and then immerse yourself in that before you start journaling.
Once you’re ready to journal, write everything you want to experience as if it’s already happened. In this case, we’re focusing on overcoming imposter syndrome, so your journal entry might look something like this:
I dominated today! I was amazed at how much my confidence has grown. Old me would have come up with a million excuses for why I couldn’t speak from stage, and today, I SLAYED! It feels so good knowing I’m worthy, and my life has changed in miraculous ways since I realized I was deserving of good things.
You can do this however you feel drawn, but I recommend that you write for 30 minutes or more if you can. Give your body time to bask in those emotions, and then approach your day.
The shortcut
Another way to biohack your way out of imposter syndrome is to use pheromones and neurohormones. For example, using an oxytocin perfume, roll on, or nasal spray has been shown to increase self-esteem, confidence, and self-worth. This is a powerful tool to use when you’re approaching sales, making content, or interacting with your audience. Not only does it set off that powerful and positive chemical reaction in your body, but it also shifts your energy.
If you combine these methods of biohacking your confidence, you can truly stay ahead of imposter syndrome and counteract it when it tries to rear its ugly head. You have an empire to build and a business to run. Imposter syndrome doesn’t get to zap your energy anymore.
Victoria Masters is the co-founder of 11th Haus, a modern alchemy and wellness company that gives biotech a conscious spin. From a devastating divorce to a thriving modern alchemist, Victoria set out to help other people increase their confidence and build stronger connections after biohacking her way to a better life and true love.
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